Jun 25, 2021 | AdamFlatt | 588 views
We will be having our Annual AGM on July 6 @6:30pm outside of the arena.
On the Agenda is Executive positions up for election, Hockey Fees for the 2021-2022 season and any general business, questions or concerns.
It would be great to get some new recruits for our Executive and there are lots of positions up for election. We can't run Brighton Minor Hockey and get through a season without these volunteers. You don't have to know a lot about the position as we can help you and guide you through the transition.
If you are interested please come to the AGM or send an email stating what position you are interested in
Here are Positions available
Vice President
LEO League Rep
Equipment Manager
Below is a bit of an outline of each position up for election.
Vice-President: He / She shall assume the duty of the President in the latter’s absence or request. In addition, the Vice-President in conjunction with the Treasurer shall be responsible for registering of all individuals who wish to become members of the B.D.M.H.A. The Vice-President and the Treasurer shall ensure that all membership fees are paid in full by the designated date and all monies collected are submitted to the Treasurer.
OMHA Representative: He / She shall be responsible for representing B.D.M.H.A. at all OMHA meetings and advising the executive of any information that affect the organization. The OMHA Representative is responsible for negotiating all OMHA play-off contracts and advising the Referee in-Chief of the contacts.
Fund Raising Co-ordinator: He / She shall be responsible for all funding activities conducted by or on behalf of the B.D.M.H.A. and/or it’s member teams. Canvassing for sponsors, looking at fundraising fund and coming up with fundraising opportunities for BDMHA.
Secretary: He / She shall be responsible for all correspondence associated with B.D.M.H.A., which includes minutes of all meetings and maintaining the required records. He / She shall book monthly meeting in coordination with the President and ensure all Executive members have been notified of location and time. He / She will be responsible to book both the Fall/Annual General Meeting.
LEO League Representative: He/ She shall be responsible for representing B.D.M.H.A. at all House League meetings and advising the executive of any information that affect the organization. He / She is responsible for negotiating all play-off contracts and advising the referee-in-chief of the contacts
Equipment Manager: He / She shall be responsible for all hockey equipment owned by the B.D.M.H.A. He / She shall ensure that an accurate record is maintained pertaining to the issuing of such equipment and also be responsible for making any new purchases. The Equipment Mgr will carry-out the duties of LEO League Rep when he/she is unavailable to do so.