This policy will be governed by the BDMHA Board of Directors and adhere to the following limitations and rules:
The following logo is the approved logo, in its entirety, for use by teams, tournaments, Association members and approved suppliers. No other variations are considered acceptable without the express permission of the BDMHA Board of Directors. This includes the Brighton District Minor Hockey Association name, acronym “BDMHA”, or any other reference to the Association.
Teams, tournaments and members (which includes parents/family members) are required to use a preferred supplier if the item being purchased is branded with the BDMHA logo. Teams, tournaments and members must use discretion in ordering apparel and must act accordingly to preserve the image of BDMHA
Teams and tournaments are encouraged to purchase BDMHA branded merchandise which proudly and prominently displays the BDMHA logo. Tournament wear and tournament programs must display the BDMHA logo. Any BDMHA tournament wishing to use an additional “tournament logo” must have that logo pre-approved by the Board of Directors.
Any logo deemed inappropriate by the Board of Directors must be removed in a timely manner.
BDMHA Preferred Suppliers will be listed on the website.
If you wish to use the logo on any merchandise please fill out the form by clicking here and send it to the board for approval [email protected]. Any questions please reach out.
Breach of Merchandise Policy
Coaches/Team Officials
Violation of the Merchandise Policy by a Coach or other Team Official may result in suspensions or a $50 fine. Fine will go up for 2nd offence. Failure to pay the fine will result in the team’s coach being suspended for a period to be determined by the Board.
Where a suspension is made, it shall be considered to be indefinite pending a review by the Board.
Violation of the Merchandise Policy by a member of an BDMHA Tournament Committee may result in a suspension and/or $50 fine.
Association Members
Violation of the Merchandise Policy involving a parent or other member of the Association will first be reviewed by the Equipment Director. Depending on results of this review, matter could be referred to Board.
Jerseys are not to be worn during practices. Jerseys must not be kept in players’ hockey bags at any time
Option 1 to borrow from BDMHA
-The team manager/Coach is to coordinate the distribution of the team jerseys provided by the Equipment Director amongst the team.
-The team manager/Coach is responsible for implementing a jersey policy that ensures their proper care using one of two methods:
1. Jerseys can be handed out and collected at each game (team garment bag to be provided)
2. Jerseys can be distributed to individual players if the team purchases individual jersey garment bags.
3. Jerseys must not be kept in players’ hockey bags at any time
4. Jerseys are not to be worn during practices
Option 2 to purchase new (players wishing to have their own jersey)
-The cost of a jersey is to be incurred by the individual player wishing to purchase their own jersey. The jersey must be purchased from the official jersey supplier and be identical to the BDMHA provided jerseys, including team sponsor. There is to be NO player last name on the jersey. Number can not be same as what is on Association owed jersey's.
If you are going to purchase your own jersey you must notify Executive and they will tell you where you can order from
-Players will keep the purchased jersey at the end of the season. (2nd year player moving up a division may have to buy a different jersey if the major player has same number)
A set of home/away socks will be purchased by each player (REP teams) and a set of team socks will be purchased by each player (Leo/House) for players to keep. Game socks are not to be worn during practices.
BDMHA owned jerseys are to be returned to the equipment director at the end of the season. Damaged (more than through game play) or lost jerseys will result is a $100 fee charged to the responsible player per jersey. Failure to either return the jerseys or pay the resulting fees will result in the player being ineligible to register the following year(s) or take part in Association events.