Year End Awards, News (Brighton Minor Hockey)

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Feb 06, 2022 | AdamFlatt | 1154 views
Year End Awards
Hello Everyone,

At the end of the hockey season BDMHA hosts a year end awards banquet for our players and volunteers, we will share the confirmed date with you shortly. Please forward this email to your team and take a moment and consider the people who have helped your team be successful and forward your nomination to the contact listed below if you feel that they are deserving.

Below is a list of the awards that BDMHA presents to members of our organization with a brief description of criteria for consideration of selection.

Manager of the Year

- awarded to a team manager who was organized, communicated information to the team effectively and was an overall asset to the team running more efficiently.


Coach of the Year

- awarded to a coach who is felt to have given commitment to his team and had a positive impact on the players skills and attitude.


Most Improved Goalie

- awarded to a U9, U11 or U13 goalie who showed a commitment to improving his skills in the net.


Most Valuable Goalie

- awarded to a U15 or U18 goalie who was considered to be a valuable asset to the success of their team through commitment and ability.


Most Improved U18 Player

- awarded to a U18 aged player (LL or Rep) who showed dedication to improving his/her skills through-out the season.


Best Defenceman

- awarded to an upper year defenceman who was considered to be an asset to the success of his team throughout the whole season.


Jake Degroot Award

- awarded to an individual who has showed significant commitment to the success of BDMHA over many years (can be in any capacity).


If you feel you know someone in our membership who is deserving of one of these awards, please email their name, the award they are being nominated for and a brief description of what makes them a great candidate to Jennifer Warner at [email protected] or Adam Flatt at[email protected]

by Saturday Feb 19th. This is the absolute latest date for nominations to ensure that the committee has them prior to the date of selection.


Again, we would like to thank you for another successful season



Go Bolts Go!
